One Couple
One Lawyer

Navigating separation. Together.

Get Started with our FREE Divorce Application Service

Discover what’s fair. Together.

Our award-winning One Couple One Lawyer service has changed the experience of divorce for families, cutting out the drama, cost and delay of lawyers on each side.


  • Market

We have been doing it longer and better than anyone else. Our industry awards speak for themselves and our settlement rate is currently 85%.

  • It's All
    We Do

Before we came along, joint legal advice didn’t exist. We pioneered it and it’s all we do: focussing on what’s fair for you both. This isn’t an optional extra for us, we never act for one side.

  • Purely Fixed

We understand you need to budget so we are purely fixed fee, agreed before you commit. Not everyone does this.

  • 2 Heads
    Better Than 1

Our unique process always includes both solicitor and barrister expertise, giving you the best of both worlds for one fixed fee.

No Fault Divorce

As explained by our co-founders on ITV News

No fault divorce is the biggest change to divorce law for 50 years. And it fits perfectly with our process, which is all about enabling separating couples to work together.

Listen to our co-founders live on ITV News explaining what no-fault divorce means, and how it could be the launchpad in a real (and long overdue) shift in how we all view divorce.


“So relieved that there was no incentive to get into a stand-off, so we can genuinely say everything was settled amicably. Thank you for guiding us through the process. I have another friend who is currently going down another route and I can see the difference and how nasty it is getting.”

“All at The Divorce Surgery have been extremely courteous, helpful and professional and we both thank you for all your work to date. We are very grateful for what we appreciate can be a very difficult task.”

“We can’t quite believe how quickly it was processed, but it looks like our consent order has been approved with no quibbles! We have no doubt the way the Divorce Surgery structured our consent order is why it went through so seamlessly.”

“I certainly do not think we would have achieved this agreement without our advising barrister and The Divorce Surgery… Very fair and measured”

“I think The Divorce Surgery is a force for good”

“I’m not sure if I said before but thank you all very much for your support throughout this process and for offering the unique service that The Divorce Surgery does.”

“We both felt our barrister had done her research and knew her field so well that we trusted her views and opinion and ultimately didn’t seek to amend any of what she’d suggested.”

“I think it is a much healthier, relationship-preserving way forward that could benefit lots of families and improve the lives of children from divorces. They shouldn’t have to suffer any ill effects.”

“We are now aware of the financial situation we both face so we have less reason to discuss any potential outcome and more reason to just progress with things because, like it or not, this divorce is definitely happening and I’m just so glad we went to The Divorce Surgery for it!”

“The service provided by The Divorce Surgery has been excellent. The whole divorce process, particularly the division of our finances, has been made as stress-free as possible as a direct result of the way The Divorce Surgery functions. It has meant that the relationship between myself and my husband has remained amicable, we both feel like we have a fair deal and we can continue to co-parent effectively as a result. I believe that this would have been a different story had we continued with two separate solicitors. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend The Divorce Surgery to anyone in need of this service.”

“Simply put, excellent… our barrister had clearly given our case a lot of thought, care, and consideration. She was patient with me when I was getting emotional, she was kind, and she is obviously a complete master of her profession. She gave us time to discuss things and I didn’t feel rushed at any point despite the fact that we went over the planned amount of time. She dealt with us in a sensitive and kind manner which is really appreciated. “

“We enjoyed the session and meeting our advising barrister. He was balanced, even-handed and clear.”



“The Divorce Surgery is a striking example of what can be achieved by those with the vision to see outside traditional approaches. Samantha Woodham and Harry Gates are to be congratulated for their bold innovation, which we should all wish well and hope to see extended.”

Sir James Munby, former President of the Family Division

“Excellent customer care that has driven both the development of an exciting and innovative market model and its day-to-day delivery”

Judges at Lexis Nexis Legal Awards 2022

“The judges felt that the service developed by the winning entrants offered a simple human solution to a complex human problem… The judges were struck by the way that this service puts the customer first, empowering people to reach a fair agreement.”

Judges at Lexis Nexis Legal Awards 2020

“A truly innovative model, using AI to respond to client demand to be seen together and to ‘co-own’ all the information, which minimises the likelihood of conflict and gives couples an equal understanding of outcomes.”

Judge at the Family Law Awards 2019

“A standout example of a common sense and long overdue improvement in client service that has an impact on innumerable everyday lives.”

Judge at The Lawyer Awards 2019

“Truly innovative use of law, common sense and technology.”

Judge at the Legal Week Innovation Awards 2019