Can You Have a Quickie Divorce?

Newspapers love talking about ‘quickie’ divorces. We hear of celebs who seem to fast-track the system and get a divorce more quickly than the rest of us.

But there is no such thing as a quickie divorce. Whether you are an A-list star or a mere mortal, the divorce application process takes 26 weeks as a minimum.

Normally, the media reports about the Conditional Order in a divorce, which is a publicly available document. But there’s much more to a divorce than just the divorce application. You also need to divide up your finances, and if you want that to be legally binding, it needs to be enshrined in a separate financial court order.

And if you have children, there are their arrangements to consider.

All of these discussions can (and should) be happening alongside the 26-week divorce application process.

This sounds like a lot, and it is a lot, but if you manage it in the right way it will be OK. The starting point is to get as much information as you can. We have a free online course which sets out all the basics around the legal aspects of divorce. Feel free to take a look by following the link: Don’t Know Where To Start With Divorce.

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email

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