Do You Ever ‘Check Out’ Of Your Divorce?

If not, you should… Think of your divorce as a work project… The more it consumes you, the harder it is to keep perspective. Take a break.

It’s emotionally draining, and on top of that you’re working out the details of your financial arrangements, taking legal advice, and, if you have children, supporting them. And then there’s all the other life admin you’re navigating: work, home, family, the list goes on.

Know that it is hard. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed.

Be kind to yourself. You can’t think about divorce all the time. Carve out ‘divorce free’ days. If you have lawyers, or other professionals helping you, set days of the week on which you want them to contact you, and days when you don’t. It’s perfectly fine to keep Thursday and Friday ‘divorce free’, ensuring your weekend isn’t ruined by ‘divorce-admin’.

Talk to your former partner too. Can they do the same? Obviously if there are emergencies, or you have children, life doesn’t condense itself neatly into three days a week, but at the very least don’t email each other at 11pm on a Sunday night about pension statements unless it really is essential (which it never is!).

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email

Author Name: Editor
admin Published content by The Divorce Surgery Editorial Team.

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