Is A 60 Year Marriage The Gold Standard?

This is a huge issue for so many of the couples we see. The idea that the fact of their marriage ending is in itself a failure, that friends of theirs who don’t get divorced somehow succeeded in a way they didn’t, or will be happier, or have a better life.

But that assumption is so damaging. And we think it’s wrong. Many relationships are great for years, and then you change, life events happen, and the relationship which once brought you so much joy makes you deeply miserable. The fact that the relationship has run its course doesn’t mean it wasn’t once great. It doesn’t mean that those years were wasted- far from it- many of those years were hopefully really happy. But now it’s time for you to explore new adventures apart. And that’s OK. This could well be the start of an exciting chapter, your best yet.

For those couples who stay married for decades- if they’re happy, then that’s wonderful. Their personalities have evolved as they’ve aged in ways that complement each other. But the fact of their marriage continuing is not, in itself, a success. That comes from a fulfilling, joyful life. And we all have to navigate a different path to get there. So know that your life can be a first-rate success, whether divorce forms part of it or not. Never let anyone make you feel second best.

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email

Author Name: Editor
admin Published content by The Divorce Surgery Editorial Team.

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