Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (Nuffield FJO) has published its strategy for 2022 to 2026. Their statement of goals is particularly relevant for the Family Justice system, as it was the Nuffield FJO report in 2019 which prompted a much greater understanding amongst Judges and the profession at large about quite how many parents were coming to court to resolve arrangements about their children (38%) and quite how damaging that experience was for the children and adults involved.
As the Nuffield FJO itself says:
“During our first three years we have talked to children and families, professionals working in and with the court, government, academics and more. Together with the published evidence, these conversations paint a picture of systems and services under immense pressure. The family justice system, designed to act in a child’s best interests, is not always effective in doing so.”
So what next? From the strategy paper and goals which have now been published, the direction of travel is clear: support families to work together so that, if at all possible, they do not end up in court at all, but if they do, the court process itself can provide a positive opportunity for change, rather than making things worse. In the Nuffield’s own words, the court process needs to become “humane, empathetic and comprehendible”.
“The adversarial nature of the family court is too often counterproductive. Disputes become entrenched and parents feel unfairly judged. There is good evidence that a ‘problem-solving’ approach can be more effective… There is an emerging consensus that change is needed but the system is fragmented. Professionals can feel powerless to effect change when they identify issues that are wider than their individual practice. Changes in practice are only possible where professionals work together around a shared understanding of the issues and how to address them.”
We could not agree more. Every family is different, and may need a different service or approach. But one thing which unifies them all is the need to avoid unnecessary conflict, which is so damaging to family lives. We look forward to seeing where the next 4 years lead.
‘Rooted in Evidence: Nuffield Family Justice Observatory Strategy 2022-26 – Nuffield Family Justice Observatory’: