Very exciting coverage today in the I newspaper! Thank you Kasia Delgado for spending so long chatting to Samantha and Harry, showcasing our One Couple One Lawyer service and highlighting the need for divorce to become more humane. As Harry says:
“Why do we have this shameful view of divorce if 42 per cent of couples are going through it? And why do we make it so hard to do it in a decent way? Part of the problem is the process.”
“Unless you’re particularly unlucky, almost anyone exiting a long-term relationship would have built up a trove of happy memories which shouldn’t simply be trapped under the bus because of the way in which the relationship ended. So I absolutely do think that’s possible and desirable to get to a point in society where divorce is less stigmatised, and we all ought to be trying to do that as much as we possibly can.”
Full article here