The Positive Effects Of Divorce On Children

Divorce can impact children in many different ways. But it’s important to understand that the impact isn’t always negative. In fact, there are many positive effects of divorce on children and in this post, we will outline some of them.

1. A Great Life Lesson For Children

First and foremost, a divorce can provide a great life lesson for children. It shows that not all relationships last forever and that staying in a relationship that isn’t working isn’t the only option. It also teaches them important conflict resolution skills if the divorce they witness is dealt with amicably, maturely and with respect for all affected parties.

This is especially true when parents divorce amicably and both parties do their bit to be great co-parents during and after the event.

Remember, your children observe everything you do. And even though they might not say anything, your actions have a marked impact on them. Divorce should not be seen as a marriage that’s failed, but rather a mature decision between two adults in search of a fresh start.

father and son talking

2. Both Parents Usually Step Up

It’s often typical in a marriage for one parent to be a little more hands-on with the children than the other. Whether it’s helping with homework, going shopping, attending after school clubs or simply talking, both parents tend to get more involved after a divorce.

When children feel as though their parents are taking a more vested interest in their lives, they feel happier and more confident in themselves.

3. More One-On-One Time With Parents

When both parents step up, children benefit from having more one-on-one time with each parent. This can be particularly important as children are developing as it allows them to learn the crucial life skills they need from each of their parents.

While children don’t necessarily count days, they will appreciate the additional effort and time they get to spend with mum and dad.

4. Children Often Become More Adaptable And Resilient

Children who have experienced their parents divorcing are often more adaptable and resilient as a result. Divorce brings about change and children develop coping strategies to deal with that change. This further sets them up with a solid foundation to build on in adult life.

Provided both parents do indeed step up and give their children the support they need during what is, ultimately, a life-changing event, there is no reason why divorce needs to be negative.

sister and brother

5. Children Become More Empathetic

The final positive effect of divorce on children is that it can help them become more empathetic.

Having seen their own parents divorce, many children take their experience and apply it to other situations. So, for example, if they see one of their friends having a hard time, it will often resonate more. As a result, they are more likely to reach out and provide support where needed. Furthermore, such children become more understanding and accepting of the difficult situations experienced by others.

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email

Author Name: Editor
admin Published content by The Divorce Surgery Editorial Team.

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