Three Tips For An Amicable Divorce

When you’re getting divorced, you can be overwhelmed with advice (all well-meaning, but too much to process).

So here’s our top three tips for an amicable divorce:

1. Don’t rush. Divorce is, more than anything, an emotional journey. Recognise that one of you may find this harder than the other. Go at their pace, making time for the emotional discussions. Don’t rush to lawyers. Get emotional support (together or apart) if you need it. Unless your safety is at risk or there is an emergency, you can wait to see lawyers until you have both processed the fact that the relationship is ending, and are ready to look forward.

2. Get into the right mindset. By this we mean, look at your situation the way a family judge would. When it comes to the arrangements for your children, that means asking what is in their best interests. And when it comes to your finances it means reaching an agreement which is fair to you both. If your approach is to secure the best-case scenario for one of you (to the detriment of your spouse), you’re likely to end up in a long and expensive adversarial process where nobody wins.

3. Focus on the future. Again- it’s what a family judge will do. Try not to re-open old wounds. Very successful relationships can have a shelf life and that’s OK. Now we need to focus on the future: meeting both your needs and ensuring you are in the best position you can be to enjoy the adventures which lie ahead.

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email

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admin Published content by The Divorce Surgery Editorial Team.

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