What Is The Child Maintenance Service (CMS)?

It’s what used to be called the CSA. It assesses and collects child maintenance in England and Wales, some of the time…

It seems to have gone out of fashion to complain about the Child Maintenance Service… Maybe there are just too many other crises competing for our attention! It is certainly not because the CMS is no longer controversial…

A report in September 2022 found that 37% of parents in the UK with child maintenance obligations failed to pay any maintenance whatsoever, and a further 20% paid less than 20% of the sums due. As the CEO of the charity Gingerbread put it: “Child maintenance simply cannot be seen as optional”.

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email contact@thedivorcesurgery.co.uk.

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