Where Do We Start… When Agreeing A Plan For Our Children?

Separation is overwhelming. And if you have children, there is an additional burden of navigating it in a way which is best for them, alongside managing your own emotions. Going to a lawyer can feel daunting, but understanding the legal landscape is important (including, crucially, where the law can’t help you).

For couples who have children, often their first thought, once they have realised that they will be separating, is how to manage the process for their children.

It can feel overwhelming, but don’t rush the process. You won’t have all the answers straight away, and it’s sensible to take some time as grown-ups to evaluate how your reshaped family is going to work.

If you focus on your aspirations for your children, you’ll find you are likely to agree. And it’s those big-picture goals which will bind you to a common purpose. For many parents, provided it’s safe to do so, they want their children to feel that they are still a family, and that divorce is a footnote, not a headline, of their childhood.

So don’t rush to legal advice. But, equally, it is helpful for parents to know the legal landscape, so if there are areas upon which they are struggling to agree, they know how a judge would approach it.

Which is why we created our ‘Don’t Know Where to Start with the Children’ online course, for those parents who are starting the separation journey but don’t want to take the step of seeing a lawyer just yet.

Developed by our two barrister co-founders specifically to answer the question we get asked most often by separating parents: where do we start? Head over to our website to learn more about this course, and others available now.

You can find all our courses here at Not Ready For A Lawyer?

If you have more questions about this topic or any other legal issues arising on divorce or separation, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help. You can call us on 0203 488 4475 or email contact@thedivorcesurgery.co.uk.

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admin Published content by The Divorce Surgery Editorial Team.

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